- Element - is a default setting to link your plugin to the action. You can pace multiple PDF converters on the page and then connect one of them using this field.
- Convert target - you can choose to export or the whole page, or just an element with a specific ID.
- Output file name - custom resulting PDF filename.
- ID - if in the Convert Target drop-down you set the value 'single element' - enter here this element's ID.
- Unit - the field is working with the customs form parameter, which means the units of measure for the PDF page.
- Orientation - defines the PDF page orientation (landscape or portrait).
- Ignored elements ID - PDF plugin takes into consideration all Elements, that hold any of the ID listed here (separated by comma), and ignore these when generating the PDF.
- Upload Files to AWS - if you check this field the file will be saved in the File Manager in Bubble.
- Autosave PDF - when it is checked it saves the PDF file on the device.
- Format- the size of the generated page. You can choose any of the normalized formats or 'custom format' if you want one personalization.
- Top\Bottom\Left\Right Padding - set these fields to the desired spaces.
- Rotation (degrees) - you can rotate the document if needed, setting the clockwise direction in degrees.
- Compress - you can compress the final PDF file, to make it lighter.
- Pagebreak IDs - if you want to print items on different pages, then give them all an ID, and put the IDs in this field.
For example, I have three groups that I want to put on different pages. I need to assign the ID parameter to each and then indicate those group IDs into the Pagebreak IDs field.
Note: use the correct format, as shown in the example below: